News & Resources
14 Mar 2013
ECPI’s statement following the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) meeting on 5-8 March
On 5-8 March, the Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) adopted an Opinion on the ECHA Draft Report on the re-evaluation of the restrictions on DINP and DIDP in toys...
20 Feb 2013
ICCA Comments on WHO/UNEP Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Report
The top priority for the chemicals industry is that its products are used and handled safely throughout their entire life cycles.
Several scientists this week published a report, under the auspices...
12 Dec 2012
Plasticisers industry discusses how to effectively communicate science information to all stakeholders
Over 80 international experts gathered on 4th and 5th December in Brussels at the annual “Plasticisers Conference 2012” organised by Crain Communications and European Plastics News in association...
14 Nov 2012
PVC souple dans la construction : histoire d’un matériau complet
Depuis sa découverte accidentelle au 19e siècle et l'ajout, pour la première fois en 1926, de plastifiants permettant de l’assouplir, le PVC a été utilisé dans des millions de produits et d’...
24 Sep 2012
Australia confirms no health concerns for children exposed to high phthalate DINP
Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) has finally published its Priority Existing Chemical (PEC) Assessment Report on diisononyl phthalate (DINP). The...
13 Aug 2012
ECPI Statement on Sweden’s Proposal for Harmonised Classification and Labelling of Diisohexyl phthalate (DIHexP)
The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) launched a public consultation on the Swedish proposal to reclassify diisohexyl phthalate (CAS n 68515-50-4) as a repro-toxic category 1B substance. At present,...
27 Jun 2012
Plasticisers Conference 2012 in association with ECPI – Registration is open
After the success of the 2011 Plasticisers Conference, European Plastics News and the ECPI (European Centre for Plasticisers and Intermediates) are pleased to announce another collaborative conference...
19 Jun 2012
“Not justified” – ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) opinion on Danish Restriction Proposal for DEHP, DBP, DIBP and BBP
Denmark's proposal to restrict the use of four lower molecular weight phthalates (DEHP, DBP, BBP and DIBP) in certain consumer articles has been found to be not justified by the European Chemicals Age...
07 May 2012
ECPI statement following the publication of the ECHA draft report on DINP and DIDP Toy Restrictions Re-evaluation
On 7 May 2012 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced the launch of a public consultation on the ECHA draft report on the Toy Restrictions Re-evaluation of DINP and DIDP. This re-evaluation of...
12 Apr 2012
ECPI response to frequently made non-scientific claims
At public and media debates on the topic of endocrine disruptors a number of arguments are being heard over and over again but, quite often, they lack the necessary scientific validity or are being us...
12 Apr 2012
High phthalates are not endocrine disruptors
At the recent event “Hold-up sur la fertilité! Phtalates et perturbateurs endocriniens, de la recherche scientifique à l’action” organised by RES and WECF at the French National Assembly in Pa...
27 Feb 2012
Plasticisers Conference 2012 in association with ECPI
The international forum covering the key topics about applications and developments in plasticisers today
will be back to Brussels on 4 & 5 December 2012.
The international forum covering the...