17 May 2021

Press release – European Plasticisers stressed the importance of science-based policy making during PVC 2021

European Plasticisers stressed the importance of science-based policy making during PVC2021


Brussels, 17 May 2021 - European Plasticisers participated in the online PVC 2021 conference, the world’s leading forum on Vinyl, organised by the Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining between the 10th and 12th of May. As part of the panel on plastisols and flexible PVC, European Plasticisers provided an overview of its research projects and reviewed the latest regulatory initiatives on plasticisers at national and EU level.

During the conference, international experts including those from individual companies who are also members of European Plasticisers discussed topics related to circularity, global markets, and innovation in the context of PVC production and use. European Plasticisers’ manager, Michela Mastrantonio, held a presentation on leading scientific and regulatory developments that have impacted the plasticisers industry. “It is of utmost importance that policy making is based on robust scientific evidence and this is why, as representatives of the plasticisers industry, European Plasticisers seeks to be a hub for scientific knowledge”, emphasized Michela Mastrantonio.

In addition, the presentation elaborated on the importance of plasticisers, whose diversity enables cross-sectoral use. From medical devices to sustainable solutions, plasticisers facilitate innovation and resilience in various sectors, including the construction, sports, and fashion industries. Therefore, European Plasticisers actively raise public awareness on their role in our everyday lives.

+ Link to the PVC2021 website.