ECPI statement on the first REACH Authorisation List
The European Commission announced the adoption of the Decision to include the first list of chemical substances in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation, the so-called "Authorisation List". The low molecular weight phthalates DEHP, DBP and BBP are amongst the six substances included in the Decision.
On 17 February 2011, the European Commission announced the adoption of the Decision to include the first list of chemical substances in Annex XIV of the REACH Regulation, the so-called "Authorisation List". The low molecular weight phthalates DEHP, DBP and BBP are amongst the six substances included in the Decision.
Of the low molecular weight phthalates on the Authorisation List, DEHP is currently produced by two ECPI members. DBP and BBP are not produced by ECPI members and questions on these substances should be referred directly to the producers. The aim of Authorisation is assuring that risks from listed substances are properly controlled and that these substances are progressively replaced by suitable alternatives where these are economically and technically viable. Authorisation under REACH means that companies producing or importing Annex XIV substances will be required to apply to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for Authorisation, if they wish to continue to produce and market for specific applications after a specified deadline (for low molecular weight phthalates this is February 2015).
The main European DEHP producer, who is an ECPI member, has announced its intention to apply for Authorisation and believes that current uses, already covered in the REACH Registration dossier, shall be granted the necessary Authorisation as the risk to human health and environment can be adequately controlled.
High molecular weight phthalates (which are DINP, DIDP, DPHP) are not on the REACH Candidate or Authorisation Lists and do not meet the criteria for inclusion. ECPI and its members are committed to product safety, and will continue to support the use of sound science and risk assessment in regulatory decisions relating to plasticisers.
About ECPI: The European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates is a Brussels-based trade association representing the common interests of European manufacturers of plasticisers, alcohols and acids. Member companies are Arkema, BASF, Evonik Oxeno, ExxonMobil, Oxea, Oxochimie, Perstorp. ECPI is a sector group of Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, which represents the interests of the European chemical industry.
Contact details
Rue Belliard 40
1040 Brussels
Tel: + 32 2 436 94 64