Australia confirms no health concerns for children exposed to high phthalate DINP
Australia’s National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS) has finally published its Priority Existing Chemical (PEC) Assessment Report on diisononyl phthalate (DINP). The main conclusion is that "current risk estimates do not indicate a health concern from exposure of children to DINP in toys and childcare articles even at the highest (reasonable worst-case) exposure scenario considered."
"No recommendations to public health risk management for the use of DINP in toys and child care articles are required based on the findings of this assessment," concluded the NICNAS.
DINP is a high molecular weight phthalate mainly used as a plasticiser for polyvinyl chloride (PVC). In 2006, it was one of nine phthalates declared as a Priority Existing Chemical (PEC) for public health risk assessment for use in toys, childcare articles and cosmetics in Australia. This priority status will be revoked based on the results of the latest PEC report.